Everyday your computer stores
information about you and much than you think. Every site you visit, every file you open, every person you e-mail... is logged. Somewhere.
Unfortunately without some form of cleanup, everything you
do online leaves a trace. These traces make it easy for
spouses or bosses to find out exactly what you've been doing,
where you've been going and what you saw or perhaps who you've
been chatting with.
Are you're one of those few
who thinks that the girlie sites you surf at work without
anybody noticing? Don't be too sure.
Nearly 85% of major US companies
keep tabs on employees by checking their e-mail and
Internet activity!
How about at home? Does the spouse know what sites you visit
or e-mails you write? Don't be surprised if they find out!.
Thanks to modern software they can locate everything
you thought you safely deleted.
And what else is stored you don't know about? Did you know that the hidden Windows index.dat
file stores details about the sites you've visited, even after
you've cleared your history? cookies? recent documents? the
run history....
Isn't it time you ensured that your online privacy was
truly secure?
Don't get "caught". Get safe. Buy SurfShark.

Only $29.95
With one simple click, Surf
Shark can:
Clear your browser history
Erase your browser cache
Eliminate all your system cookies
Remove your visited and typed URL list
Clean the hidden, locked index.dat file
Overwrite all AutoComplete information
Zap all Windows temporary files
Clear documents, history and "Find" searches from the Start menu
Empty your Recycle Bin and the Windows clipboard
Ensure NO deleted data can
EVER be recovered on your machine
Delete any directories or files your specify, using
MAXIMUM security
Rival products such as
Evidence Eliminator
start selling from as little as
Don't waste your hard earned money..
Get Surf Shark Today!
Just one quick run of Surf Shark and your machine will feel brand new, something any computer tune-up shop would charge you double the purchase price for!
Don't Take Our
Word For It!
it out
for yourself.
Free Trial Download
